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Posted @ 3/16/2012 2:04 PM By Graham Hicks
A friend of mine had a kid finishing high school.
He was a smart, practical young man with a good attitude, but he didn’t have a clue what he wanted to do.
They made a practical decision.
They looked at the projected earnings for grads from NAIT’s technology programs. Off he went to enroll in the course with the highest earning potential.
Good decision. Three to four years after graduation, he’s an electrical engineering technologist.
Now 24, this young man is pulling down $100,000 a year in base salary, half that again in overtime. Plus benefits.
Welcome to Alberta, 2012, where young adults – with the right diploma and a willingness to work – are often making $100,000 a year.
There’s cause for concern – too much money, too fast, too young, unrealistic expectations, and so on.
But as long as the building boom continues in the oilsands (and it will continue, with $20 billion being spent on construction alone in 2012) , skilled ...