HicksBiz Blog

The Unrevealed Potential of Conni Massing's Invention of Romance - review by Graham Hicks

Graham Hicks review The Invention of Romance By Conni Massing - world premiere Workshop West Theatre La Cite Francophone, 8627 91 St. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Through April 13, 2014 Playwright Conni Massing can pull in an audience all by herself, because the turf she occupies is so darned honest, and sweet, and insightful … and pure prairie-grown cracked wheat. Her writing stays comfortably within memories and stories of Central Alberta, of small-town incidents, of people who leave for the big-cities but the country never quite leaves them. Just look at the titles – The Aberhart Summer, Jake and the Kid, Gravel Run, Dustsluts, Homesick … She’s the reason I made my first trek to a Workshop West Theatre production in many a year, for the premiere of her latest play, The Invention of Romance, playing in La Cite Francophones’s performing space through April 13. The play I had no trouble with, though it’s a tad loose and will be better a much better scri ... Read the rest of entry »
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